menningar— og félagsheimili




Hours and surcharges
The prices are listed at full day rate. Prices can vary according to half-day bookings and pre-event set up. Extra access to the hall is charged additionally. The rental cost is based on a single event. For recurring weekly bookings, prices will be negotiated separately.
All prices are exclusive of VSK.

Seat Capacity
The seat capacity can be varied according to the type of event, numbers listed show maximum audience with table-seating.

Staff Available
It is possible to hire staff through Herðubreið such as specialised technicians for lighting, sound and video as well as security, stage managers, extra cleaners and set up crew. 
All additional work outside of the project management time is charged by the hour. Event organisers can bring in their own technicians, stage crew, light and sound technicians. 

For event inquiries contact: